Saturday, February 18, 2012

You know what is crushing to one’s sense of self? People constantly telling you that you are “fucked up”. It becomes this cue word that gets used against you so often, but never really seems to lose it power. 

Am I fucked up for knowing what I do and don’t like?

 Fucked up for ending things when I know that I will never be able to give them what they want from me, aside from a good lay? I’m tired of people labeling me all the time, everywhere I go. Is it preposterous to propose that we all just float together? You can’t just take the ocean, undulating in a constant unforgiving mass, force it into a Ziploc bag, pin it on the wall, and then get angry at it for dripping on your hardwood floor.

I finally talked to her.

I’m on my way out now though, more details to come tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you've got a grip on things. Who cares if people call you names- doesn’t matter. Even if you get weird looks or feel uncomfortable… better to just get on with it (easier said than done, I guess).
    The floating idea thing you mention seems great- kind of the same gist of what I’m trying to do, too.

    Float more- sinking's no good.

    Beautiful tree, down there (by the way).
