Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Sorry for not having written in so long…

(no I’m not)

…but my friends and I were playing a rousing game of floor hockey with a half used roll of duct tape, a spur of the moment childish game that ended badly, when suddenly my friend Chris kicked it a little furiously and it killed the screen on my gawddammed computer.

I’m not quite flush enough to fix it and to be honest the more I write the more I realize that writing seems to conflict with who I am.

I am a liver.

Not like, the organ that always dramatically fails in small children so they can suddenly appear with yellow eyes in a tense scene on some prime-time doctor show, but someone for whom thinking too intensely about the things I do really just slows me down and bums me out. I feel like I constantly complain about this but seriously, it’s as if I have ADHD or something, or maybe it’s characteristic of a distinct lack of maturity. Difficult to be sure.

I mean look at me, in the two weeks that I haven’t been chained to my keyboard, trapped inside my head, I have actually started to go out more.

And I like someone new.

Well, not particularly new since I knew him from work but new in the sense that I wasn’t planning on exploring that option and then did (and don’t regret it at all). I thought we were just going to be friends—that’s all I really wanted but then I started to get to know him and… he just understands me. Plus it’s really great because he lives in Philly and I hardly ever see him. I went to see him over the Easter weekend, met some of his family and all that, and wondered how it is that hollow chocolate bunnies are supposed to symbolize mysteriously empty caves. I just don’t get it.

Okay I lied. We are dating. I changed my status yesterday. My ex ‘liked’ it ironically. But yeah, he is a really nice guy and we are doing the open relationship thing because he knows I need my lady time... it’s working so far.