Sunday, February 12, 2012

The picture below pretty eloquently sums up my feelings about being in New York right now. I took a week off of work to escape; it was a fucking great decision.

I would tell you where I work, but its not particularly relevant to who I am as a person and slightly shameful to who I would like to be. So yeah, moving on.

Escaping routine was exactly what my brain needed to cool off. Days disappear and nights stay in that shadowy part of your subconscious when the city grabs a hold of your senses. I decided to go somewhere with trees, that was sort of my only goal. Something about being in nature serves to relax my inner me, soothe the beast if you will.

My goals are usually pretty simple, as are my means of achieving them. There’s something miraculous about the time we live in—people will do just about anything for a person they think is beautiful—not that this didn’t apply back in the day, just that it is now so easy for someone with a technically good physique and an ample amount of charm to wander through the modern flux of non-committal sexual dalliances and reap the benefits of ‘hooking up’ (Insert my mother asking me, “What does that even mean, is that like sex or what?” in a tone of indictment).

It makes traveling so easy. For a small price, someone like me can sheet shack with various friends, new and old, and really have a very versatile and fun trip. I say like me partially because of my bisexual tendencies but more because people keep telling me I’m attractive (you’d be hard pressed to find me in agreement with that, but I do well for myself if you know what I mean). Humble Brag.

Back on track, right, anyways I took a bus out of Port Authority and when I removed my headphones I was upstate and ready to reconnect with the natural and reconnect with myself.

Have you ever had a threesome in the woods?

Ovid knew and wrote of the joys of such bacchic revelry—wine traced touches and waking, twigs intertwined with hair and morning light splashing upon your face. It started with some gentle rubbing of toes, and ended with some other less than gentle rubbings. 

We all swam nude in the river after.

 Going from such extremes of body temperature, hot to cold in a drastic turn can really change a person. 

That tangible shift can make one really realize the arbitrariness of emotional meaning: we share our beings for such a brief time and temperature is a cruel pendulum in constant motion. It was quite a revelation (like in its  original Pauline sense, a real apokalypsis)

Lessons learned? Or suspicions confirmed?

1 comment:

  1. I thought you should know that I think highly of your adventures.
